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3 Easy, Effective Tools For Less Stress

I can’t not share this with you today, because it’s been coming up for almost ALL my clients:

The pressure cooker effect.
It’s like everyone’s screaming for guidance on this, because we’re all stressed in some way.

F*ck, laying around doing nothing all day can be stressful, because you’re not DOING ANYTHING. Oh my god. What’s gonna happen? You should definitely be doing something.

See? Stressful.

Here’s the analogy for daily stress: A pressure cooker.

On weekdays (if not every day), most people I know describe some version of stepping into the pressure cooker: The daily scramble to get to work, be productive, eat healthy, work out, see friends, have sex, keep your apartment clean, get your hair done, and the list goes on. OY.

Ever used a pressure cooker to make rice? You gotta flick that thing every once in a while to release pressure, or the whole thing will blow.

And you, my sweet friend, are the same. You’ve gotta release the pressure in the thick of stress – the moments you’re feeling the most tense, anxious, and behind schedule.

I’m obsessed with this metaphor. It’s so perfectly descriptive of what most humans go through daily. Unless we grab those pony (I love ponies) reins and decide to just, well, not be stressed, and take practical action to reach a place of ease and flow.

Because guess what? Fortunately, stress is totally counterintuitive and gets you nowhere. I kind of wish I could say that stress and anxiety really pay off, since almost everyone is already feeling them, but it’s simply not true.

Stress makes it harder to get work done because you’re paralyzed by overwhelm, worry, and in many cases, perfection paralysis. Oh, and cortisol is coursing through your body when you’re stressed, making you more prone to chronic disease and belly fat. Fun perk (not).

So today, because I love you, I’m gonna share three very simple, high-leverage tools to release the pressure in your own life so you can trigger productivity, creative flow, and connection.

Because you’re really not yourself when you’re stressed, and you can’t produce your best work.

Stress is completely counterintuitive, and wreaks havoc on your body and brain.

When you’re happy (producing serotonin), you’re more likely to stay focused and come up with great ideas. The stress hormone cortisol has the opposite effect.

Here are my three favorite tools for releasing stress and counteracting the pressure cooker effect:

1. Breathe. This is #1 since it’s the simplest and most impactful. How many times have you noticed you’re holding your breath, or that you haven’t really been breathing fully all day?

When you don’t breathe fully, you’re cutting off circulation to your entire body, leaving you fatigued and drowning in brain fog and anxiety. I’ve been there, and I know how it feels. Exactly like being underwater. Your body needs oxygen for ALL bodily functions, including thinking.

So inhale deeply into your abdomen, let it extend fully, then exhale and let it relax naturally. Repeat throughout the day for more energy, natural weight loss, and better focus, to name a few quick benefits.

2. Use a calendar, not a to-do list. This is a tool used by leading entrepreneurs and billionaires all over the world. When you schedule your important action items on your calendar rather than a scrap of paper or notebook, they’re MUCH more likely to get done.

This also naturally helps you get real about what you can actually accomplish because you can see exactly how much time you have on your calendar. This eliminates pressure around not getting enough done, and helps you get rid of unnecessary tasks.

It also greatly improves my focus. When I have an hour scheduled to write, I’m writing. Try it. I use my iPhone calendar.

3. Laugh. When we’re stressed at work, we often think chatting with a co-worker and having a laugh is a terrible idea, and might even get us fired. Quite the opposite.

When you take a short breather (3-5 minutes) to talk and laugh, you trigger the release of feel-good endorphins which spark creativity and keep you feeling happy, focused, and productive all day. It pays to lighten up and laugh.

Does the pressure cooker metaphor resonate with you? How so?

Which of these three simple tools will you implement today?

Leave a comment below and tell me.

I read and respond to each and every comment, and I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on this.


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  1. Despite some of life’s demands being difficult to handle, the use of effective stress management techniques, make it possible for you to maintain good health, overall well-being, and remain productive.