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7 Ways To Feel Better By Doing Less

For 90% of people, sensuality is the missing piece of the health puzzle.

Engaging your senses is the simplest way to have more energy, lose weight and improve your focus.

When you smell, taste, hear, feel and see fully, you create long-term physical, emotional and mental vitality.

So sit down, relax and learn 7 ways to feel better by doing less:

  1. Drink your morning coffee sitting down (or tea, green juice, kombucha, whatever gets you going).
    Take 10-15 minutes to sit down, rather than running out the door with your to-go cup. Engaging fully and giving yourself that moment of self-care will set the pace for your entire day.When I take my drink on the go, I barely notice I’ve had it, and am left wanting more, which leads me to drink way too much coffee or tea.When you slow down, you engage your relaxation response which wipes out cortisol – the stress hormone linked to anxiety and weight gain – and trigger the release of serotonin – the happy hormone. 

Your body also registers you’ve had enough.
  2. When you see a beautiful flower, stop and smell it.
    Often, we’re rushing and barely notice our surroundings, let alone stop to admire them.When you pay attention to the natural beauty in everyday life, you’re more satisfied on a sensory level and need less superficial entertainment – like cheese and alcohol – to feel happy and calm.So stop and smell the flowers – literally – and see how it impacts your energy, mood, and weight.
  3. Slow down at meal time.
    This is always life-changing for clients.When you actually slow down with your food – not pretend to while you check Instagram – your body has time to register when you’re full, and you absorb nutrients efficiently.I say actually because there was a time when I thought I was eating nice and slow, but I was so distracted by texting and Facebook that I didn’t realize I was actually still going too fast.When I slowed down, my entire outlook, energy, and digestion got a huge upgrade.
  4. Pay attention to the person you’re talking to.
    Ever talk to someone, you’re deep in telling them a story, and you realize they’re actually looking over your shoulder for the next person to talk to?Don’t be that person.This is one of the worst things you can do, and it has a big impact on your health.When you multitask in social settings, your brain has to work double or triple time, burning out your adrenals and causing a sense of dissatisfaction, because you never engage fully and are left feeling disconnected.As humans, we need to connect on a deep level, and social multitasking kills connection.
  5. Sleep for deep restoration and health.
    Most people I know text and tweet until they pass out every night. This totally drains your energy and sets you up for restless, low-level sleep.Sleep is the most important tool for whole health and weight loss, and when it’s compromised, so is your focus, work, relationships, exercise and everything else you do.When you’re exhausted you’re ineffective.Set yourself up for deep sleep every night by powering down electronics at least an hour before bed and doing a brief meditation or other calming practice before you tuck in.
  6. Bring presence to the bedroom.
    Sexuality and sensuality are intrinsically connected and it’s important to bring love and attention to both areas.When you’re zoned out during sex, thinking about your grocery list or big meeting tomorrow, I call this fast-food sex. Fast food is terrible for your health, and so is half-conscious sex.When you’re distracted, your partner can feel that and they won’t be nearly as satisfied as if you were 100% present.It’s amazing how accurate this is – you can feel the shift in the other person immediately when you become present.If you’ve been feeling indifferent and just blah, pay attention while you’re having sex and notice how your life changes.
  7. Don’t underestimate you, yourself, and you – it’s crucial for your health.
    When we’re solo, we grab a sandwich or salad on-the-go and wolf it down (see #3).We walk into restaurants and say “Oh it’s just me.” Just goes a long way, and not in a good way.It undervalues you, causing you to rush, because it’s just you and you’re just grabbing a quick bite, right?When you rush through things, you put unnecessary stress on your adrenals and subconsciously kill your confidence.By savoring your alone time you engage your nervous system’s relaxation response.Being alone is not an excuse to rush, in fact, it’s my favorite time to slow down.Fun fact: I love going to super fancy restaurants, getting a table for myself, and eating every course slowly. Try it – it’s awesome.

Now you: Which of these 7 is totally you? Maybe more than one?

#3 was the big one for me, until I learned how important it is to actually slow down.

Which area will you focus on this week and what benefits do you hope to get? 

Have a friend who could really benefit from these 7 ways to feel better by doing less? Share the love with them!

Leave a comment below –  I can’t wait to hear from you.

Photo: Francesco Sapienza


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    1. AWESOME Carly! You’re amazing. Thank you so much for reading and do check back and let me know how it goes.


  1. I love this post. It’s true, yet we are always rushing around and not taking the time to enjoy ourselves, aren’t we? #7 reminded me of an article I recently read about removing the word “just” from your vocabulary. It undervalues what you are saying or doing. I believe that to be true. I have to pay more attention to #2, instead of stressing about all the things I need to get done!

    1. Thank you so SO much Lisa! I had fun writing it. It’s so true – if we’re rushing, what’s the point? It’s all about taking in everything.

      I read that article too! I’m a big fan of bringing awareness to when and why we use “just.” If it’s natural, go for it, if not, it’s unnecessary.

      Sometimes I can actually feel resistance in my muscles when I’m using “just” because I think I need to, and I leave it out! It’s so cool how that works.

      I read a great article about getting things done and to-do lists, talking about how billionaires don’t use to-do lists, they schedule everything into their calendar. I do this too and I love it.


  2. great insight! Will be sharing this one too! For me it is #7, but I have been working on this for a long time! Had a supervisor ask me why when I called her I always said “it’s just Cheryl”, that I was more than just Cheryl! So it is a process!

    1. Thank you so much! Super interesting – you are SO much more than “just Cheryl.”

      Have an awesome day!


  3. After reading all your tips, well it makes sense. It’s all about mindfulness and being present. Enjoy the moments with spend with ourselves and the people who are close to us. Thank you!


  4. Hi,
    Good stuff here, I’m working on my sleep and noticing the difference between relaxation and tense states to a much deeper degree these days, yay.

    When you say meditate, are you talking about the deep breathing, pay attention to your breath, let the thoughts float away thing? Because honestly, all that does for me is make me out of breath and bored and feeling inadequate. Suggestion?

    Thank you so much!! <3

    1. Hey Barbs! <3

      Mmm so awesome you're noticing that difference. Major.

      For me, meditation means sitting still and just being with yourself.

      I think we can go about life in a meditative way, but that's not the same as seated meditation.

      Deep breathing and releasing thoughts are both very helpful, and can happen during meditation, or really anytime.

      My suggestion is to experiment with different breathing techniques and meditation styles and find what feels amazing to you.

      Much love. <3