Tired of feeling uncomfortable in your body?

Get my free 5-Step System To Ditch Bloating

Master Intuitive Eating & Get Your Metabolism Back

One of my heroes, Marie Forleo, always says that you’re stealing from others if you have something valuable to share and you don’t market it.

This totally used to be me. I have a proven system for mastering intuitive eating, getting your metabolism back, and changing your relationship with your body… and I used to FREEZE UP when people asked me about it.

Are you interested in this?

Click here for all the details on ACTIVATE, my private 6-month health coaching program… including my (very) personal, very difficult eating disorder journey, and lots of detailed client testimonials.

As a copywriter I could market for other people all day, but when it came to sharing my health coaching and nutrition work, I always kept pushing it to the bottom of my to-do list. I’d get clients via word of mouth, but I never did much traditional marketing.

As I’ve been sharing ACTIVATE in a bigger way and talking to more and more incredible women who are literally voicing that they need EXACTLY what I teach, I’m proving to myself over and over again how right Marie is about this.

If you have something valuable to share with the world, you HAVE to talk about it. 

Are you an emotional eater or chronic dieter who wants to master intuitive eating and reach your ideal weight without depriving yourself of your favorite foods?

Sign up for a free, no-strings-attached Breakthrough Session here to see if ACTIVATE is right for you.

IMPORTANT: Enrollment closes next Thursday, March 28th at 11:59pm CST, and I have three spots left in my schedule.

Big hug,

P.S. Do you have a friend who needs help with food and body image? Send her to this page, and give her a hug from me.

Photo via @zoras_daughter on Instagram


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