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My Two Personal Secret Weapons To Balance Overeating

I love bridging the gap between spirituality and practical nutrition, so today I’m giving you my two personal secret nutrition weapons to balance overeating and feel great no matter what I eat.

Because it’s not all about meditation, and it’s not all about food either (or some magic supplement).

It’s about striking a balance where you eat foods that serve you most of the time, but can indulge when you want to without falling into a dark spiral of guilt and shame.

Because let’s be honest, overeating happens. It’s not something I recommend, but it is a reality. And maybe you didn’t even overeat, but something just didn’t sit right in your stomach. These two tools will help you greatly in either case.

Here are my two personal secret weapons to help you feel fantastic before, during, and after Thanksgiving dinner:

  1. Swedish bitters. I’ve been taking this traditional herbal tonic since I was a little kid, and it’s a powerful and effective way to balance acidity in the body and stimulate digestion. Know that gross feeling you get after eating two slices of pumpkin pie with vanilla ice cream, on top of two plates of turkey dinner? Swedish bitters make you feel MUCH better, immediately. They’re also great for hangovers. You can buy them inexpensively here. This is the brand I’ve personally been taking my entire life.
  2. Naturally-fermented sauerkraut. Found in the refrigerator section (that’s how you know it’s the good stuff), naturally-fermented sauerkraut boasts billions of probiotics that help with digestion and bloating. Translation? Eat natural kraut if you want a flat belly. It’s great to up your intake before, during and after big meals, like Thanksgiving, to keep everything moving and stay energized and present with your loved ones. This is my favorite brand.

Now, I’d love to hear from you.

Do you have any secret weapons that make you feel fantastic no matter what you eat?

Share with me in the comments below.

Most importantly, if you celebrate, have a fantastic Thanksgiving filled with love and gratitude!

Even if you don’t celebrate, take advantage of this cozy-vibe time to get grateful for everything in your life, because gratitude creates the groundwork for love, happiness, and personal evolution.

I LOVE making gratitude lists – they can instantly turn a bad mood around.

Thank YOU so much for being here and hanging out with me every week.

I’m truly grateful for you.

Photo: Francesco Sapienza


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  1. We did it again!! Today, I got the URGE to make sauerkraut and for the first time, I actually did it!! I don’t like it, as you know, but since it is so healthy, I figure that if I make it myself, I can taste it every day and maybe catch it at the point before it gets too sour for me. So I made it tonight 😀 😀 Thank you for all your encouragement. xoxo I never heard of Swedish Bitters, very interesting!! Happy eating!!

    1. Haaaa amazing! Love the synchronicity. Def try the bitters, so game-changing. Have a fantastic holiday! Much love XO