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The Foods You Need to Balance Acidity

Everyone’s talking about acidity these days, but what does it really mean? And it sounds terrible, so how can we get it out of our bodies?
carobWhen your body is acidic, it simply means that your pH is too low. A 5 is super acidic, a 6-7.5 is healthy, and 8-9.5 is super alkaline.

The definition is simple, but the results are a bit more complicated. When our bodies become too acidic, we’re more likely to have skin flare ups like acne and rosacea, we hang on to excess weight, especially around the middle of our bodies, and we often feel anxious and fearful.

That’s a very quick rundown of acidity’s effect on the body from a holistic perspective. There are hundreds of symptoms linked to acidity, but today we’re just going over the most common conditions, and learning how to efficiently balance them.

Food and lifestyle is very effective in ushering out excess acidity. Try the following five foods to strike a healthy balance:

  1. Celery sticks. If you have acid reflux, a common symptom of acidity, nosh on celery and enjoy the feeling of balance that washes over you, not to mention a calm stomach.
  2. Chamomile tea. Chamomile has fantastic stress-reducing and alkalizing properties. I highly recommend reducing coffee and increasing chamomile to balance your pH and feel better today.
  3. Whole grains. Quinoa, brown rice and millet are very alkalizing for most people when chewed thoroughly, eaten slowly, and consumed in proper portions. Grains don’t work at all for some people, but if they generally work for you, eat them when acidity symptoms pop up.
  4. Carob. If you love chocolate but are noticing annoying symptoms that are all pointing to too much acidity, try carob instead. I actually used to prefer carob cakes for my birthday as a kid – it’s delicious. It’s very similar to chocolate in flavor and texture, but boasts medicinal properties such as antifungal and antibacterial, and balances pH.
  5. Almonds. If your snacking habit is at an all time high – and your acidity is too – try switching from junk food to dry roasted almonds with a little bit of sea salt. This delicious snack balances pH and keeps you fuller longer.

Do you notice symptoms of acidity in yourself? Do you love any of these five foods?

Which one are you most likely to try? I want to hear from you and answer your questions in the comments.


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  1. I just recently learned about balancing acidity in the body and how the foods we eat affect it. Thank you for sharing some foods to help balance things out. I love chocolate so I think I’ll try the carob out first 🙂

  2. I don’t really understand this issue so well. A while ago I read this book on Vermont Folk Medicine that says our bodies need to be acidic and that explains why apple cider vinegar is so healthy for us. But now everyone is all saying we need to be alkaline. So what happened, there? And if we eat a fairly decent diet, how do we know if we are alkaline, besides testing the pH of our pee? And what should it be, if that is the correct method? 😉 Sorry for all the questions.

    1. It’s all about the balance of acid and alkaline and how you FEEL. Yes, you could test your pee, but does it matter if you feel like crap? We could talk for hours but that’s the bottom line. Love the questions!! Keep ’em coming. XO