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The Main Factor Zapping Your Energy

Do you wake up most mornings feeling exhausted, like you never actually slept in the first place?

If you’re racking your brain to figure out why you’re so drained all the time, I have a simple reason – and solution – for you.IMG_2615It’s definitely unexpected, and it might even freak you out a little.

It’s a big one – and yeah, it’s simple, like I said, but it isn’t easy.

Simple steps are much different than an easy fix.

The foundation of an energizing, deeply-satisfying, fun, beautiful life is authenticity, and the main thing draining your energy is inauthenticity.

Wondering what the heck I’m talking about? Sound a little “woo woo” even?

Keep reading, it’s getting juicy. I might even talk about sex (gasp).

Here are the categories where inauthenticity comes up in a big way and what you can do to get real and have unlimited energy:

Food. You’re given a lot of nutrition and food information every day, whether you want it or not.

One person is talking your ear off about the benefits of veganism, and it seems like really solid information with real results. Should you be vegan after all?

Then the next person is boasting about how the French don’t get fat, and they’re eating butter, meat, bread and wine. Oh, and they have the lowest heart rates ever or something. Huh? Now you’re really confused.

This dichotomy alone shows how adamantly opposed different nutrition approaches are, and how confusing it can be to choose what’s right for yourself at every stage of life and in every moment.

Solution: The only way to create a sustainable approach to food that leaves you satisfied and happy is to learn what foods work for your unique body through experimentation, and then be wildly authentic and unapologetic in voicing your needs and getting what you want and need when it comes to food.

Want support to get to that place? Leave a comment below or email me at lula@goodtastebylula.com and we’ll chat.

So many people hush themselves, shun themselves, and end up eating whatever’s in front of them and feeling miserable.

Food is a big part of the foundation of a happy life and it’s time to get real today.

Based on what you already know about yourself and food, what do you really need at each meal to feel good?

Sexuality. There’s a lot of shame often associated with sex and many people have suppressed sexual desires and aren’t fulfilled in this area.

That’s a huge energy drain right there – not being sexually satisfied.

Sexual engagement is one of the purest forms of energy, and key to vitality and whole health.

Sex is a high form of nourishment and it’s crucial to honor your specific sexual needs and get them met to keep your energy buzzing.

Solely catering to someone else’s needs in the bedroom (unless you’re really into that sort of thing and it truly satisfies you) and not voicing your own needs is incredibly exhausting.

Solution: Get vocal and lose the guilt.

The only way to get what you need is to ask for it. If you have deep-rooted issues in this area I strongly recommend talking to someone about it.

I’ll be talking about this subject a lot more in this space, so if you’re not comfortable with that I invite you to unsubscribe at the bottom of this email. No hard feelings!

External appearance. Women especially (but men too) have a lot of external and internal pressure to look a certain way, and it’s a huge energy drain.

Being authentic in your external experience is so energizing.

Think about how you feel when you dress in a way that makes you feel totally like yourself, and when you treat your skin, hair, and every other part of your body as if you’re a goddess (or god). Your day is totally different compared to when you dress in clothes that don’t make you feel great, or ignore self-care.

Being authentic when it comes to appearance doesn’t mean never wearing makeup or being a total hippie (unless that’s true for you).

What it does mean is being ok with not wearing makeup when you really don’t feel like it, rather than forcing yourself to “put on a face” for fear of judgment, for example.

Solution: Be yourself all the time. Want to get totally glam for a trip to the grocery store? Do it. Feel like going makeup free for a week? Rock on.

Tune out the pressure and tune into yourself and what you really want and need.

Work. The workplace can be one of the most challenging areas to be authentic and voice your needs, because a lot of fear comes up about being judged, or worse, getting fired.

Pretending to like your job when you hate it or agreeing to tasks that aren’t aligned with your skills and desires is incredibly tiresome and downright frustrating.

Solution: Get vocal. It’s so liberating and energizing to do work you love with people you love.

Most people I know think that’s unattainable, and I’m here to tell you they’re wrong.

Almost everyone I know who has spoken up at their job has been able to create a more aligned position for themselves, and many people I know are business owners and get to call the shots in their schedules and lives.

Anyone who sets their mind to become an entrepreneur and takes aligned action can do it. It doesn’t take one specific skillset or personality type.

Curious about entrepreneurship? Leave a comment below or email me at lula@goodtastebylula.com with your questions.

Relationships. Relationships are another area where needs often go unmet and desires are silenced and shunned by conventions and “shoulds.”

From romantic partnerships to friendships to sisterhood, most people are operating under a system they think they have to follow.

For example, start dating, form a relationship, get engaged, get married, have babies, have sex the first Friday of every month…you get the picture.

Rather than craft their own reality, a lot of people are letting a phantom big brother do it for them.

Solution: Open up the communication lines.

By authentically crafting your own life and voicing your needs to the people you love, you energize and invigorate yourself rather than exhausting yourself by simply going through the motions.

Bonus: Speaking up gives everyone around you permission to step into their authentic selves too.

Socializing. Ever get an invitation to a party that sounds awesome but you really don’t want to go because you’re feeling low on energy, but you say yes anyway and end up feeling drained for the next week? That’s inauthenticity.

By only attending events when you really want to and engaging with uplifting, energizing people, you optimize your energy.

Authentic social engagement is especially necessary for introverted people, who often feel insecure about their lacking desire to socialize all the time.

Honor your need for alone time and realize that it’s a beautiful gift. These types of people are often highly intelligent, intuitive and deeply happy.

When you socialize when you don’t feel like it, you’re burning through precious energy – a total killjoy for your creativity and overall mojo.

Solution: Be selective in your engagements so you can be fully present with people when you do decide to socialize, and therefore maintain high energy and happiness most of the time.

Do you see how being inauthentic is the primary factor killing your energy levels?

How would it change your life to be more authentic and honest? What support do you need to make this happen?

Does talking about this stuff make you a little uneasy? That’s totally normal.

In the areas of food, sexuality, appearance, work, relationships, and socializing, how can you be more authentic so you can maximize your energy and feel completely happy?

Share one specific way from one category in the comments below.


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  1. Lula- I love every single post that you do. You are so right about this. It’s hard work to be inauthentic!

    1. Gina! That is so so sweet. Thank you so much for reading and I’m thrilled you’re loving my ideas. HUGS!

  2. This is so true! Sometimes it’s a challenge to really be authentic because of various limitations imposed by the outside world but I’ve found that it’s always worth it, even if it requires some risk!