you're ready for a sustainable change

reach your health goals without restricting.

Let’s unpack your mind-body matrix around food and get to the root of it all so that food is no longer a stressful thing. It becomes easy to choose foods that work for you, and to feel great in your body.

when you master intuitive eating...

You no longer overthink food, you get your natural metabolism back, you feel energized, and you're truly present in your life.

If you have pizza one day, you often crave a beautiful salad and fish the next, or whatever feels like balance for your unique body.

You never beat yourself up for what you eat – you love and trust
yourself unconditionally.

In our sessions we’ll dive deep into your health history, get to the root of what’s going on today, and rewire your system for health.

Through ACTIVATE, my 6-month intuitive eating + holistic nutrition
program, you . . .

>> Learn which foods work best for your body.
>> Unlock food freedom.
>> Restore your full energy.
>> Balance your hormones.
>> Heal digestive issues.
>> Reach your best weight.
>> Get glowing skin.

. . . you’re on fire, with more vitality than ever.

If you don’t want to do another Whole30, go Paleo, or do the
plant-based thing, this is for you.

Food and body image issues held me back for so long, and now my relationship with food and my body is my biggest support system – my rock.

I want you to feel incredible, too, so you have all the energy and confidence in the world to do what you were put on this planet to do.

6-month intuitive eating + holistic nutrition program


✓ Get your metabolism back.
✓ Tap into high, stable energy.
✓ Stop stressing over what to eat.
✓ Feel calm, clear, and focused.
✓ Heal digestive issues.
✓ Reach your most aligned weight.
✓ Clear hormonal acne.
✓ Release uncomfortable bloating.
✓ Say goodbye to anxiety.
✓ Master intuition and confidence.

zoom calls

email support

nutrition plans

Step 01

book your free
intro call

We’ll sit down on Zoom for 30 minutes and discuss where you are, where you want to be, and whether I can help you get there. Whether you decide to enroll in ACTIVATE or not, you’ll walk away with practical tools you can start using right away.

Step 02

enroll in activate

After discussing your health history and goals, we’ll have a clear idea of whether ACTIVATE is right for you. If it is, I’ll send over enrollment materials. 

Step 03

book your
first session

As soon as you enroll, you’ll get access to my calendar to book your first ACTIVATE
intuitive eating + holistic nutrition session. 

Step 04

start to feel better

I often get emails from clients within the first
1-2 weeks of the program letting me know their digestion, energy, focus, and sleep are already so much better. I can’t wait for you to experience these results, too.