• Why I’m Eating Mud for My Health

    I have a new kinda-by-accident secret tool that’s totally awesome for weight loss and maintenance, digestive health, healing and preventing acne and other skin blemishes and so much more. I’m overwhelmed by how many awesome healing benefits this stuff that looks – and tastes – like mud has. See, I wasn’t planning on eating it, […]


  • Should You Be Working Harder?

    Do you ever feel like you should be working harder? OR are you constantly plagued with guilt for not taking care of yourself as well as you could be? Is it hard to remember the last time you got a massage, manicure, or even a haircut? The push-pull between propelling yourself to work really hard […]


  • Eating Disorder Memories + Win a Custom Meal Plan

    I vividly remember being on vacation in Malibu with my family and breaking up a kid’s protein bar (Cliff ZBar) into four pieces to eat throughout the entire day. That’s it. No other food. I was about the size of a small child at the time and was hell-bent on staying that way. I would […]