Do you have days where you feel kind of crappy, and guilty about feeling bad on top of it?

Most people I talk to are almost obsessed with ALWAYS feeling happy, healthy, and positive, to the point where they fake it when they don’t feel that way.

It’s totally ok to just have a bad day sometimes.

Best way to move past it?
_MG_2810Feel it fully. Feel all the bad feelings, cry, scream, hide under your covers, whatever you need to do.

Once you’ve fully felt the emotions, you’ll naturally release them and move on to feeling happy and light again. Grab a juice, talk to a friend, go to yoga, have some raw chocolate, savor the moment, smile, and move on.

You might subconsciously – or consciously – be skipping the sad part and pretending like you don’t feel anything.

I invite you to stop now, because ignoring those feelings is the quickest way to dig yourself into a deeper hole.

Say hello to those emotions, give them a hug, feel them completely, then let them go on their way.

You might be wondering what this has to do with breakfast and metabolism. Let me explain.
Here’s the thing: You’re one body, not a set of parts. If you’re feeling frustrated, depressed, or just low and apathetic, it’s because of an imbalance in your system. Food and emotions affect all your organs.

You work as a whole. Most chronic conditions are caused by the same thing – imbalance in the body as a whole. It’s a mistake to stick bandaids on the visible issue rather than healing the system.

One of the primary causes of anxiety, depression, and frustration is low metabolism due to excess consumption of processed food, caffeine, sugar, and alcohol.

Your pituitary gland controls metabolism, mood, and all other organ functions, and it’s weakened by toxins OR fueled by nutrients each time you eat, starting with breakfast – the most important meal of the day.

I’ve always been a HUGE breakfast person. 9 times out of 10, I wake up, meditate for a few minutes, then make breakfast right away.

When you’re low on key nutrients like iodine, protein, and essential fats, your pituitary gland is compromised and you process food less effectively, leading to chronic fatigue, weight gain, skin problems, lethargy, and more.

The breakfast I’m sharing with you today is a powerhouse for metabolic function, rich in iodine from the seaweed, protein and choline (key for focus) from the eggs, and bursting with healthy essential fats and probiotics from the avocado and sauerkraut.
_MG_2849By the way – egg-whites only is not allowed. Yolks have all the nutrients, especially choline, which your brain needs to operate.

You can add any other vegetables you like into these cute little wraps, too. I don’t have kids, but I think if you pawn them off as burritos or hot dogs they’ll go crazy for them.

All you do is scramble eggs in grass-fed butter or olive oil with pink salt and black pepper, place in the middle of a nori seaweed sheet, top with avocado and any vegetables you like, and add naturally-fermented sauerkraut on the side or on top.

I usually add some baked sweet potato fries for complex carbs – recipe for those coming soon. Try it with and without a carb and see how you feel.

You can find nori at any health food store.

Try this breakfast on a blue day and watch your energy and outlook shift, then tell me about it on Facebook or Instagram – my two fav social platforms : )

What do you normally eat for breakfast?

After you try this meal, tell me how you feel. What’s the difference compared to most days?

Leave a comment below – I can’t wait to hear from you.

Photos by the badass and beautiful Sasha Landskov