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Easy Kale Superfood Soup Recipe

There’s nothing quite like diving into a big bowl of nurturing, satisfying soup.

Bonus points if the recipe is easy and healthy.

Depending on the season, soup can be served hot or cold, and in turn have warming or cooling effects on the body.

This easy kale superfood soup does both, making it a great option for transitional seasons when the body may be craving something both comforting and detoxifying.

Soup is a great way to get lots of nutrients in one dish, making it an ideal option for busy people who want to feel great in their bodies and have high energy.

I recommend preparing a big batch of this easy kale superfood soup and freezing leftovers in mason jars (leave 1/2 inch at the top for expansion).

Paired with a sandwich or salad, this easy kale superfood soup is a convenient weekday lunch or dinner.

Let’s look at the health benefits of this easy kale superfood soup…

  • Kale is high in iron, fiber, and vitamins A, C, and K. It helps with elimination, gives you glowing skin, increases energy, and may even protect against cancer. Kale is the ultimate detox superfood, and central to this easy kale superfood soup.

  • Sulfides and bioflavonoids in onions and garlic may lower the risk of heart disease and cancer. The natural sugars in onions also regulate blood sugar, preventing dips in energy and sugar cravings.

  • Sweet potatoes, especially the purple variety, have lots of antioxidants, which inhibit free radicals that may play a role in illness. They also include chlorogenic acids, which have been shown to reduce blood pressure.

  • Extra virgin olive oil is an excellent source of monounsaturated fatty acid, which is essential for cognitive health, since approximately two-thirds of the human brain is made up of fat. Olive oil also promotes skin elasticity and healthy cholesterol, known as HDL (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol).

  • Coconut milk is another prime source of healthy fat, which can help with satiation and reduce the likelihood of binges. Coconuts have lauric acid, which boosts immunity and has antibacterial properties. Coconut milk can even be applied topically to moisturize skin, fight wrinkles, and disinfect cuts naturally.

Now let’s get into the recipe for this easy kale superfood soup…

Easy Kale Superfood Soup Recipe


1 bunch kale
1 medium white Spanish onion
5 cloves of garlic
3 small sweet potatoes
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 cup unsweetened coconut milk
Fresh sage to taste
Smoked Maldon sea salt and cracked black pepper to taste


Chop onions and garlic, sauté in olive oil until translucent.

Add roughly chopped sage, smoked Maldon sea salt, and black pepper.

While these are cooking, wash, trim, and chop kale and add to pan.

Allow to cook for about five minutes.

Boil or bake the sweet potatoes until tender, then slice.

Transfer vegetable mixture and potatoes into blender, add coconut milk and blend on high until smooth and creamy.

Taste for flavor and adjust salt and pepper as you wish.

Do you have any questions? Post them in the comments below.

Enjoy this easy kale superfood soup!

With love,
Lula Brown


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