• How To Break A Habit Without Trying

    How can you effortlessly break a habit, rather than white knuckling your way out of it (which rarely works long-term)? One way is through emotional alchemy. Emotional alchemy is about embracing and transmuting your emotions, rather than running from or numbing them. When we run or numb, we create suppression and constriction in the body. […]


  • Why I’m No Longer Trying To Change Myself

    I’m not here to change myself, I’m here to celebrate myself… … and that in itself is the change. A lot of people want us to believe we need to change ourselves, because in doing so we fuel the economy. If there’s nothing to change, there are thousands of products that would never be purchased. […]


  • What I Do When I’m Feeling Pressure In My Life

    Whenever I’m feeling pressure on the physical plane – to find a new apartment, make a career shift, resolve a relationship challenge… … I drop into pleasure and relaxation. I plug into nature and restoration: Beach days, long jungle bike rides, massages, unstructured time, nothing on my calendar. Sounds counterintuitive, right? Shouldn’t I be buckling […]