• The Most Common Complaint My Clients Have

    In my clients over the past 10 years, the most common symptom I hear is “stomach problems” aka digestive issues. It makes sense, because digestive issues are connected to everything from anxiety to confidence. Why?  Because the majority of our serotonin, the feel good hormone, lives in the gut… “Gut bacteria also produce hundreds of […]


  • My Weird Food Habits

    On Monday I had coffee cake and potato chips for lunch. I used to get scared when I craved “weird” things at meal times. Today, I crave nutritious food most days, but when I crave something “weird” I don’t freak out or make it mean anything about me. I also don’t freak out if I’m […]


  • Currently Enrolling 2 Clients In Activate

    My healing process has blown my mind. I used to constantly think about my body and food, and I was always on or off a diet… even at my lowest weight, I rarely felt good enough. Today I eat what I want and feel better than I ever have in my clothes and body. In […]