• How To Know If You’re Healthy As An Intuitive Eater

    One of the most heartbreaking misconceptions I hear about intuitive eating is that it means abandoning your health in favor of “food freedom” and body acceptance. That deep health and food freedom can’t coexist. My experience is the opposite: Intuitive eating is the ONLY thing that restored my mental and physical health – from energy […]


  • The Foundation For Feeling Lighter

    I used to constantly be looking for something external to help me feel better in my body. A magic wand. I was always into self-reflection and personal development, but I didn’t think those would be the things that REALLY changed my relationship with my body and food. Spoiler alert: Mindset + emotional intelligence are the […]


  • A Big Trigger for My Food and Body Challenges

    I LOOOVE my work. It is my heart. It is my soul… … and I LOVE having so much going on in my life that is not work. Travel. Studying foreign languages. Dance. Reading. Adventures. Play. Nature. Friends. Family. Spending a midweek day doing nothing, because I can. Work used to feel like my whole […]