One of my biggest breakthroughs has been completely overcoming overeating.

Not because I wanted to change my body as a big priority, or even my digestion… but because overeating was taking me OUT.

It was zapping my energy, my life force, and really, affecting my relationships, my work, and every other aspect of my life.

Through our work together, most of my clients start eating MORE, yet never or rarely overeating.

From there, they release heaviness and bloating, clear up digestion, and increase energy…

“For years, I over exercised, binged, and truly believed I could never look the way I want to… Now, I feel comfortable in my body and like I know myself better than I ever have.

I have also lost weight and am leaner than I have ever been! I no longer feel buried in obsessive thoughts about food or body – I have truly been empowered (because of Lula) to reclaim my own mental health.” – Anna Mansueti, Artist & Designer

I am SO excited to share my process to free yourself from overeating at my upcoming master class, Satisfied.

You’re invited! <3

We’re going to cover

  • Breaking cycles of overeating and undereating.

  • Feeling emotionally settled and physically satisfied after meals.

  • Reducing uncomfortable bloating.

  • Aligning to your desired body without restricting.

  • Accessing your energy and magnetism again.

  • Strengthening self-trust and letting go of anxiety.

  • How to stop stressing over what to eat.

Get more details +  read testimonials + sign up here if you’re feeling a YES!

I would looooove to see you there.
