When I was struggling with food, I’d get really freaked out when I was much hungrier than usual one day.

I was afraid I would gain weight.

I would also get freaked out when I was less hungry some days, because I thought my metabolism had tanked.

I was scared of my hunger, and I was scared of my fullness. It was a lose-lose.

I didn’t trust my body at all.

Through my healing process I’ve learned that I can trust my hunger, and I can trust my fullness.

It’s completely normal to feel hungrier sometimes and less hungry other times. Hormones – and many other honorable factors – shift throughout the month.

My body is insanely intelligent.

My cravings are correct, and honoring them means honoring my body.

Today I’m an intuitive eater, and I have a loving relationship with my body.

I love the way I look and feel.

I used to obsess over food and constantly analyze my intake throughout the day.

Now I don’t think too much about food.

I listen to my body, and I trust my hunger. I trust my fullness. I trust my cravings.

I honor my desire for a burger as much as my desire for a salad. And neither makes me right or wrong, good or bad.

I pay attention to the information my body is giving me: My digestion, my sleep, my mood, and my focus, and I honor any shifts that need to be made.

I have deep reverence for my body, and for food.

I care about how I feel and how I look, but there’s so much more in my life that I care just as much or more about.

Thoughts of food and my body no longer run my life.

I feel so free, and so incredibly grateful.

If you’re on this journey, know that you can get there too.

With love,