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Why Am I So Hungry?

I used to get really anxious when I was hungrier some days than others.

I was afraid I would never stop eating and gain a bunch of weight.

This was a core aspect of my eating disorder – expecting my appetite and food intake to be the same every day.

As I recovered and became an intuitive eater, I learned that…

You can trust your hunger.

You can trust your fullness.

You can trust your cravings.

It’s 100% normal to be super hungry some days and not as hungry other days.

To crave meat some days and not others.

To want lots of vegetables one day and hardly any the next.

Your hunger fluctuates in cycles, depending on your hormones, activity level, emotional health, travel, what you’ve eaten in the previous days, and many more potential factors.

There’s no need to overanalyze your hunger – your body will tell you exactly what it needs, especially when you’re in touch with your food intuition and don’t have any major health issues.

You don’t have to prove you’re “fun” and “can eat anything” by ordering a cheeseburger, and you don’t have to prove you’re “dainty” or a “pure channel” by ordering a salad.

Food doesn’t make you clean or dirty, boring or fun.

Food just is – we assign it meaning.

You don’t have to eat the same foods or quantities every day, and you don’t have to worry about getting enough greens or fiber in at every single meal.

Nutrients compound:

Today I look lovingly at what I’ve eaten in a week, not a day or even a few days.

If you’re not craving something one day, it’s likely that your body has had enough of it.

Stressing about nutrition can be more detrimental than any food you do or don’t eat.

You can trust yourself…

… because no one knows your body like you do.

Not that nutritionist.

Not that new “lifestyle” book.

Not your best friend.

You’re the boss of you, and your body always, always knows.

Do you ever wonder why you’re hungrier some days? Does it stress you out?

Leave a comment below – I want to hear from you.

Remember that your body is innately intelligent, and it’s safe to trust yourself.

With love,


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