• Are Vegetables As Healthy As We Think?

    As an intuitive eater with a background in nutrition, honoring my body’s requests for less vegetables has been one of my biggest challenges and most important lessons. Realizing that a craving for less vegetables is just as valid as a craving for less carbs has been revelatory, and so healing as someone who struggled with […]


  • The Healthy Aging Principle No One is Talking About

    Intermittent fasting. Keto. Primal. Plant-based. Juicing. Hyperbaric oxygen chambers. Vampire facials. These are all popular practices in the anti healthy aging world. There’s one core principle I never hear anyone talking about, and it’s one of the most important pillars of healthy aging. It’s also the thing that completely healed my hormones, after having amenorrhea […]


  • Is This What’s Missing From Your Routine?

    I was feeling stagnant for a couple weeks last month, and I couldn’t figure out why. I’m in a new country… Meeting new people… Having adventures… Eating great food… Working with new clients… Exercising… I felt like I should be feeling great, but something was missing.  One day I decided to go out for a […]