I have an important message for you today…
It’s safe to be exactly where you are.
Sustainable change can only be created from a place of self-love:
Accepting and celebrating yourself as you are today.
Voicing your needs.
Standing in your boundaries.
Taking deep care of yourself.
Celebrating your current body, for all that it is and all that it does.
Change created from shame will be fleeting and/or backfire, compounding existing patterns and challenges.
“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”
– Carl R. Rogers, one of the founders of humanistic psychology
Amidst all the “New Year, New You” pressure, it’s safe to be exactly where you are…
… and it’s safe to move toward what feels even better – the foods, people, environments, routines – at your own pace.
It’s safe to move quickly, when you feel called.
To break up with your BS and be the person you want to be now.
Regardless of the pace you feel called to move at, the common denominators for sustainable change are self-love, non-judgment, and genuine inner motivation.
Identifying your why.
Doing it for yourself, so it sticks.
Your timing is divine, and your alignment and happiness are inevitable, if you move from a place of love, first for yourself.
If you want to be inspired by people who have made sustainable changes through self-love, click here.
How are you loving yourself today, and what are you stepping into, from that place of self-love?
Comment below – I’d love to hear from you.
With love,
Pictured: Flowers in California