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Do You Feel Like Your Body is Holding You Back?

When I left New York 3.5 years ago, I set out to create an adventurous, exciting, inspiring, yet extraordinarily calm life.

I want my adrenaline rushes to come from a Wednesday afternoon surfing waves that are a little too big for me…

not the sound of my alarm clock ringing, as I realize I’m late for work.

I want my excitement and inspiration to come from the depths of my soul…

… not the fear of receiving a mediocre performance review.

This is what I’ve created.

The learning curve has been extraordinary.

My system is still winding down and resetting in some ways, after nearly a decade in New York.

But it’s been the best venture of my life… and I’m just getting started.

Today, I work 15-20 hours per week, max.

I take coaching calls and copywriting meetings Tuesday – Thursday afternoons.

I don’t take any meetings on Mondays or Fridays.

I coach and write with a select number of clients.

My business is not perfect. My life is not perfect.

There is still so much I want to do. So many people I want to help.

But every piece of what I’ve created is intentional.

It’s all mine, created my way.

To nourish me… so I can serve those I’m divinely meant to.

The cliche is true: You cannot pour from an empty cup.

My body and health are my top priority.

Nutrition and self-care lay the foundation for everything.

Healing my food issues unlocked my body, which unlocked my life.

Through repairing my relationship with my body and food, I’ve been able to

>> break generational patterns

>> truly get out of my own way (it’s not a platitude)

>> replace full-time income with part-time soul work

>> attract the most incredible friendships and romance

>> live a laid back life in paradisiacal Costa Rica

How is all that connected to healing my food and body struggles?

Your health fuels your life.

Your energy informs your reality.

Your body is the foundation for everything you do.

As I head back to Costa Rica this week, my gratitude for what I’ve created is so present.

The patterns I’ve broken, and the fear I’ve pushed through, make my self-doubt sit down after like one minute of popping in.

I quickly remember my strength and resilience.

The power of grace humbles me, and tethers me back to my divine purpose – to nourish myself, so I can serve my people.

Do you feel like your health and body are holding you back from the life you want to be living?

Drop me a comment below, so I can send you some love & support.



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