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One (Big) Reason to Eat White Rice

I used to reluctantly order brown rice with all my sushi at my favorite neighborhood Japanese restaurant, and nag my ex-boyfriend to do the same when we were sharing (which was always).
white-riceWhy pressure myself to go brown when I was really craving authentic sushi rice? Well, all my research showed that complex carbs were the gold standard of starches, and all I should be eating if I was choosing carbohydrates at all.

They’re proven to break down more slowly in the body, releasing consistent, steady energy, rather than a quick surge followed by an epic crash. Their fiber content also promotes regularity. Cool.

I know what you’re thinking – I’m about to tell you to ditch complex carbs all together. Nope, not so fast.

Recently, I came across research proving that white rice, a resistant starch, feeds healthy bacteria in the gut, and that we need moderate amounts of it to maintain a healthy microbiome.

Resistant starch is not digested in the small intestine or stomach and therefore reaches the colon intact. It contains key prebiotics – foods that feed probiotics – essential for a healthy gut.

Boom. Voila. Ding ding ding.

Remember what a healthy gut means for your body?

1. Increased serotonin, aka,  a super happy mood and positive outlook.

2. Glowing, clear skin.

3. Flat stomach.

4. High energy.

5. Sharp focus.

This makes me pretty happy. You?

I love my white rice here and there, and I’m all about moderation and balance. Restriction is not my friend.

Moral of the story? Keep up your complex carb consumption, but consciously have white rice here and there too, and notice how you feel.

Do you love white rice? Prefer brown rice? Or eat it because you think you’re supposed to, like I did? Like a little bit of both? Is this resistant starch and gut health research new to you, or did you already know about it?

How will this affect your next sushi experience? I think about these things.

Tell me in the comments below.


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  1. In my opinion, white rice tastes a lot better than brown – the exact reason why I prefer white from brown. However, when it comes to nutrition, I thought brown is always better. It’s a good thing I read this post. Thank you so much 🙂