• The Alchemy of Food

    I used to feel guilty if I wound up feeling sick after a meal, like it was my fault. Like I should know exactly how every food will affect me, every time. When I released that responsibility – when I let go – my ability to select foods that serve my highest self strengthened… and […]


  • How To Rewire Your Relationship with Food

    How can you rewire your relationship with food? How is it possible to go from strained to stress-free when it comes to food? Here’s the thing: The meaning you assign something, and the energy you bring to it, is far more important than the thing itself. Because nothing exists without meaning and energy. The only […]


  • How I’m Really Feeling After My Week In Mexico

    I had the most beautiful week in Mexico, eating all the best food and exploring the city on the back of a motorcycle. When I got to my Air BnB yesterday for a good night’s rest before traveling home to the Caribbean, my body was SO excited for vegetables. I can’t tell you how good […]