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The Alchemy of Food

I used to feel guilty if I wound up feeling sick after a meal, like it was my fault.

Like I should know exactly how every food will affect me, every time.

When I released that responsibility – when I let go – my ability to select foods that serve my highest self strengthened… and I started to feel good after almost every meal.

I never overate or underate. I just ate.

I tuned into all my senses.

I enjoyed my environment, my solitude, and/or the people I was with.

Here’s the thing:

You could walk into the best restaurant in the world and select a meal filled with ingredients that generally work great for your body…

You could go shopping at an organic farmer’s market and prepare a gorgeous meal at home…

… and the food still might not resonate in your body.

You might feel off after the meal, whether physically or emotionally.


There is something more to food than how it looks, smells, tastes, and feels.

It’s energetic, and often inexplicable.

It’s chemistry – between the food, your body, and your environment.

It’s the alchemy of food:

A combination of ingredients, cooking techniques, energy, environment, and so much more that isn’t seen, but is deeply felt.

As you deepen into your intuition and self-knowledge, your ability to sense when the alchemy of a dish is off becomes stronger.

Or sometimes the food feels great, but the environment or people feel off.

Your nervous system responds to everything, and is intrinsically connected to digestion.

That’s why consciously creating your reality, and trusting your body’s “NO”, are so important.

And when you don’t get it perfectly right – when you say yes even though your body is saying no – be gentle with yourself.

Intuitive eating is an evolutionary process.

As you let it be light, you’ll have less and less “off” experiences with food.

You’ll feel better and better, regardless of whether every meal is perfect.

You’ll start to trust yourself more to pivot when something feels off, or to embrace the moment and remember your resilience. To remember how adaptable your body is.

You’ll know when you don’t have clear energy to put into cooking, and you need to go to a restaurant and be taken care of.

Or if you walk into a space and the energy feels meh, maybe you’ll choose something that’s easy to digest, and eat more later.

There are infinite options and possibilities to support your body.

When you trust yourself and love yourself unconditionally, you can’t mess up.

Even if you wind up feeling sick or like you didn’t fully listen to your intuition, it’s a profound learning experience.

And all those experiences add up until you develop jedi-like abilities to connect with the food that will serve you best.

The food that’s an energetic match for you.

The food that will nourish you, delight you, and inspire you.

In letting go of the need for every meal to be perfect, almost all my meals began to feel perfect.

Have you ever struggled with feeling sick after a lot of meals, even after choosing foods that generally work for you?

Forgive yourself, and play with the practice of letting go – allowing tension to melt off your body and anxiety to empty out of your mind – while deeply honoring your body and intuition.

Sending you so much love!



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