I got this reply from a reader the other day…

“Lula thank you very much but I’m not overweight, I wish you success.”

Of course, I made sure he knows where to unsubscribe (at the bottom of any email <3).

BUT, I want to make sure you know that ACTIVATE is not just about shifting weight.

>> It’s about healing your relationship with your body and food, and reclaiming your full energy and health, so you can live your life exactly how you want to.

You deserve to operate at your full capacity, and for it to feel easy.

ACTIVATE, my private health coaching program, is about…

  1. Breaking the diet cycle. 
  2. Developing unconditional self-love. 
  3. Getting your metabolism back.
  4. Reclaiming your energy. 
  5. Feeling REALLY good in your body. 

Weight may or may not be part of the picture.

And ultimately, any shift in your physical body is a byproduct of your self-love, self-knowledge, and self-trust.

>> Click here for a step-by-step breakdown of how we do this in ACTIVATE.

You’ll also find testimonials on that page, which include weight shifts and lots of other benefits and breakthroughs that have nothing to do with weight.

If you’re feeling called to work with me, now is the time.

I have space for two new clients to start in August.

If you know you’re one of them, check out the program details and sign up for a free intro session here.
