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Why You Feel Flat and Depleted

We’re taught to demand everything of our bodies and give ourselves very little.

Even if you had amazing hippy parents who taught you to listen to your body and honor your sleep cycles, most of us experienced some version of this from a young age…

Drag yourself out of bed at 7am and sit in a classroom all day.

Drive yourself crazy studying for exams, just to get a test score which impacts nothing.

Pull overnighters, and be a party girl, and be studious, and get straight As.

Pull off full credits, an internship, and a full-time waitressing job.

Be the first one to arrive at the office, and the last one to leave.

If you want to launch your own business, you HAVE to work 12 hour days.

… but here’s caffeine, a sexy, delicious “source of energy” that actually robs you of your natural energy and makes you feel flat as f*ck.

Long day?

Here’s alcohol, to calm down your stress and anxiety… but you’ll actually feel 10x more stressed and anxious tomorrow.

Oh, and both these substances are addictive, and could lead to depression.

They also wipe out your minerals and weaken your digestion and absorption.

And you might gain a bunch of weight without changing what you eat or how often you work out…

… but you should be healthy, and active, and naturally slim.

And you should go to great restaurants, and be able to eat whatever you want. Be chill. Don’t make too many modifications to your order.

Don’t be uptight. That’s so embarrassing.

Anyway, cheers!

We’re sent all of these conflicting messages that demand us to be superhuman, and to ignore our intuition and rhythm.

It’s exhausting – mentally, emotionally, and physically.

We demand more and more of our bodies, without giving ourselves the true nourishment and care we need.

That might work for a short time…

You might get a promotion, or see benefits from a strict diet or workout regimen. But those shifts won’t stick.

Ultimately, without giving back to your body you’ll burn out.

Today I’m…

1. Working less than I ever have, and I’ve exceeded my old full-time income with part time work as a location-independent health coach and writer.

2. Sleeping more than I ever have. I rarely use an alarm, and I follow my own rhythm. This has boosted my external success markers – like income and energy – not hindered them.

3. Giving myself more nourishment and care than I ever have, from meditation and kundalini, to do-nothing beach days, to self-massage. I truly take time to listen to and nourish my body.

I used to feel a TON of pressure to do everything and be everything. And I had an amazing life… until I crashed.

The month before I left New York City, I got hives all over my body, had extreme exhaustion, and was completely burned out and miserable.

Now, my life is better than my wildest dreams – literally.

I have all the things I’ve wanted since I was a little girl…

– Complete freedom to play
– Proximity to the ocean
– A pool in my backyard
– Soul-satisfying work
– Growing friendships

The last one is my biggest struggle, and something I’m working on.

Do you feel pressure to do everything and be everything?

Confused, flat, and depleted?

Guilty about taking time for yourself?

Society tells us we can run on adrenaline: Coffee, alcohol, deadlines, approval – all of these are connected to an adrenaline rush, not true energy.

It’s like running on cheap gas when you’re a Ferrari – it’s just not enough.

>> If you’re ready to reconnect with your natural energy source and get your metabolism back, ACTIVATE is open for enrollment.

This is my private health coaching program where you break the diet cycle, develop unconditional self-love, and calibrate to your ideal health and body through intuitive eating and customized nutrition.

I have space for two new clients to start in August.

If this is calling you, get the full details and sign up for a free intro session here.

Much love,


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