In the sea of you-can-and-should-feel good all the time messaging, remember this.
It’s ok to have bad days.
More than ok. Normal. Necessary.
It’s ok to feel whiny sometimes.
You don’t have to be “blissed out” all the time.
There’s nothing wrong with getting angry or feeling frustrated.
There is just as much true bliss in grief as in joy.
Because every emotional state is a sign we’re here, we’re alive, and we’re not numb.
The more we can normalize and celebrate “low vibe” states, rather than fearing them and fighting them, the more often we’ll be in a “high vibe” state.
Like me, in this photo, drinking champagne and girl talking in a king sized bed in a fancy hotel with my babe Cole. Photo by her.
Whatever state you’re in today is beautiful.
Let all your emotions be there, and let all of them be ok.
In feeling them fully we can let them go, and feel lighter and happier more often.
P.S. Have you been waiting to work with me?
I’m opening a few spaces in ACTIVATE, to begin January 2021.
This is my intuitive eating program for exhausted emotional eaters who want to break the restrict-binge cycle, but don’t want to give up their physical goals.
Reply to this email if you want to discuss. XO