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12 Signs You May Be An Intuitive Eater

I’m always laughing at my quirky little intuitive eating behaviors, and amazed at how much my relationship with food and my food behavior have changed since I fully integrated intuitive eating.

Today’s post might give you a laugh, and/or a little insight into what intuitive eating can look like on a daily basis – the little action steps that add up to a loving relationship with your body and food.

These 12 signs are based on my relationship with food, and they don’t have to look the same for you.

Intuitive eating looks a little different for everyone, but there are some core behaviors – like chewing, pausing, and breathing – that are fundamental to intuitive eating and will help anyone on this path.

Let’s jump into the 12 signs you may be an intuitive eater…

1. You have at least two types of bread in your freezer most of the time. Are they gluten-free? Sourdough? One of each? No one will ever know.

2. There’s often a half-eaten single serving size bag of potato chips in your fridge or cabinet.

3. You often decline food without explaining yourself.

4. You never feel the need to explain why you’re eating – even if it’s an unexpected food at an unexpected time.

5. There are 2-3 containers of restaurant leftovers in your fridge at any given time.

6. You’re often the last one to finish eating.

7. People are sometimes confused by the way you eat – your meal times, food choices, and approach to eating: Eating slowwwww, chewing, pausing, and breathing.

8. You always order different things at your favorite restaurant.

9. Your barista can never guess your order – or he knows it will be 1 of at least 3 drinks.

10. You’re “inexplicably” blissed out most of the time, and you feel great in your body – even though you eat pizza all the time.

11. You can’t remember what you ate yesterday, but you feel great and know what your body needs today – you don’t have to consult your mental food log anymore.

12. A huge bread basket makes you excited, not scared. You eat what you want and take the rest home to add to your freezer collection. You now have three types of bread in there – you’re a bread connoisseur. And that – that – is the real goal.

What’s your quirkiest food behavior? I want to hear it! Comment below.

Have a beautiful weekend!

Much love,



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