Tired of feeling uncomfortable in your body?

Get my free 5-Step System To Ditch Bloating

Currently Enrolling 2 Clients In Activate

My healing process has blown my mind.

I used to constantly think about my body and food, and I was always on or off a diet… even at my lowest weight, I rarely felt good enough.

Today I eat what I want and feel better than I ever have in my clothes and body.

In case you missed it on Saturday, I want to make sure you know I’m currently enrolling two clients to start the second week of January.

What I’ve done is very special.

A lot of people claim intuitive eating and body love. I live it, every day.

The contrast between my current and past thoughts and behaviors is STARK.

That’s why I’m so passionate about sharing this work with others. 

>> If intuitive eating is calling you, click here to get the program details and sign up for a free intro session. 

If you don’t see any times that work for you, send me an email and we’ll get you in.

In our 6-months together, you’ll learn how to

1. Develop true self-love by honoring your body, taking deep care of yourself, and setting boundaries. 

2. Build confidence by listening to your body’s YES’s and NO’s, regardless of the circumstances.

3. Restore your metabolism by removing inhibitors and remineralizing your system with specific foods, beverages, and supplements. 

4. Gain a deep understanding of the foods that work best for you, and those that don’t. 

5. Get to the root of self-sabotage and heal it, so you can stop taking two steps forward and one step back. 

ACTIVATE is about untangling your food-body matrix and feeling truly good in your body without restricting yourself or changing your whole lifestyle.

I would love to see you inside the program. 

Enrollment closes 12/30 at midnight ET, to allow time to prepare the container and get everyone scheduled.

If you have any questions, reply to this email! 

Sending you so much love.



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