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A Tough Pill, and the Greatest Ecstasy

It can be such a f*cking tough pill to swallow – like those gnarly vitamins with no coating that get stuck in your throat – but, we’re always the ones holding ourselves back.

Regardless of the pain, regardless of the trauma, it’s always us.

We decide how to move forward, what to do next.

That doesn’t mean we can’t take time. A lot of time.

That doesn’t mean we can’t slow down.

That doesn’t mean we don’t need therapy or coaching.

That doesn’t mean we don’t need natural or man-made medication.

The misstep is when we give our power to those things: Our autonomy. Our choice.

Our support system amplifies our power – it doesn’t take it away.

Our pain and trauma are not a reason to opt-out or tune out.

Regardless of any external factor, it all comes back to us.

How we choose to cope, to grow, and to move forward is up to us.

Even when it feels incredibly hard – like it has for so many of us the past year and a half…

We’ve got this.

It’s safe to evolve. It’s safe to shine.

It’s safe to set boundaries. It’s safe to leap forward, at hyper speed or in slow motion.

It’s safe to be stunning. It’s safe to be successful.

It’s safe to be loved.

It’s safe to make a f*ck ton of money. It’s safe to make less money sometimes.

It’s safe to be alone. It’s safe to be surrounded by people.

None of it means anything about us or our future, because the power is in us.

We get to choose, again and again, and to hold ourselves through it all.

To lean on our soul’s knowing, and to allow others to support us.

To do what feels best and right, even when it’s not the easiest option.

Even when we’re kicking and screaming and crying, the power is in us.

Even when we’re completely vulnerable – especially when we’re completely vulnerable – the power is in us.

Swallowing the pill is the hard part.

That little gulp that sometimes makes you gag.

But you know you’re putting something amazing in your body.

Walking forward, aware of your power, gets easier and easier until it feels like ecstasy.

Until there is no other way.

Until it fills the void within you feared might always be there, and you become ecstasy in motion.

Desiring everything and needing nothing, you are free.


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