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Are You Stopping Yourself From Feeling 100% Good?

A client recently shared that she was starting to release weight and embody her “most radiant form.”

She asked me if it was safe to love this, to love being smaller, in her case.

Would she wind up self-sabotaging?
Would she be able to handle new or different attention?

She used to feel vain for liking this feeling, so she would stop herself from feeling really good, from stepping into her highest energy and healthiest physical form.

Honoring your needs and serving yourself is the opposite of vain.

You get to choose what you eat, how you move, and who you engage with, all in service to you.

And it’s not selfish, either.

Healing your food and body struggles frees up so much energy to live in your full vitality, which is so delightful and contagious, it lifts people up.

When you’re not locked in the struggle, you can connect with and serve other people from your overflow.

Say this to yourself now: It’s safe to feel amazing.

And “amazing” is different for everyone.

It’s not always about being smaller. But it can be, and that’s ok.

I do recommend shifting your primary focus to how you feel versus how you look.

It’s not bad to love how you look, but you don’t want to develop an over-attachment to it.


The physical form is inherently transitory.

It’s not wrong to enjoy your human experience in your human body in every single way.

It’s the overattachment, obsession, and fear that you want to drop.

Loving what you see in the mirror is great, but if you’re thinking about it all day and comparing yourself to others, that’s when you want to pause.

If you’re making yourself better or worse than other people based on your body, first acknowledge those thoughts, and don’t make them wrong. You are human.

Then surrender those thoughts fully. Let them go.

Imagine them melting off your body and into the earth, to be transmuted for good.

Return to how you want to feel, the most important thing.

This clears and honors your channel, and helps you develop unconditional self-love and self-reverence, regardless of how you look.

The physical follows the energetic.

The better you feel, the easier it will be to fall into your best physical form.

Do you stop yourself from feeling 100% amazing?

Do you feel safe to look and feel your best?

If you have felt your best at some point, what thoughts and feelings came up for you?

How did you navigate them, and where are you at now with food and your body?

I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

Much love,


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