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A Big Trigger for My Food and Body Challenges

I LOOOVE my work.

It is my heart. It is my soul…

… and I LOVE having so much going on in my life that is not work.


Studying foreign languages.


Reading. Adventures. Play.

Nature. Friends. Family.

Spending a midweek day doing nothing, because I can.

Work used to feel like my whole entire life.

I worked full-time in a restaurant, had a part-time internship, and full-time credits in college.

I worked crazy hours in bars and restaurants after college, sometimes 14-16 hours, from the afternoon into the next morning… while building a business on the side.

I worked a 9-5, and saw coaching + writing clients at night.

I was always passionate, and I always knew I was working toward something incredible…

… but a part of me feared that my life would always be centered around work, even after going full time in my business.

As a 9-5er, I found myself having a lot of quiet WTF moments:

Like, how am I supposed to work 8-12 hour days, 5 days a week, and feel like I have a life at all??

I thought I was crazy, because everyone around me was doing it, and no one was that vocal about it, no one seemed to think it was weird.

Now I know there is something SO DIFFERENT available.

Something so truly FREE.

A space where your body can deeply, completely unwind.

A space where you can be an innocent, curious human exploring the world, without being bogged down by “work responsibilities…” but still having work you love.

A big trigger for my food and body challenges was my fear that I would always be working, always be striving, always be struggling.

Food felt like a break, a release.

Now, the majority of my life feels like a break, a release, my relationship with food is 100% chill, and I looove my body. I love my work.

My life is designed around ME, not a job, or even a business that is mine.

ME. A human. A soul. A spirit.

Is your life designed around you, your work, or something else outside you?

Do you desire to bring it back to YOU?

I’d love to hear from you.


Photo: Rodolfo De Jesus David


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