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Creating Change Through Self-Love and Celebration

We can reach a certain distance and depth by shaming and judging ourselves, but it doesn’t touch what we can do through self-love, acceptance, and celebration.

“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”

– Carl R. Rogers, On Becoming a Person: A Therapist’s View of Psychotherapy

Shame and self-judgment are exhausting.

They take away from our energy to truly support ourselves, serve others, and grow in every area of our lives.

Self-love, acceptance, and celebration add to your energy.

Copping out and playing small is a different thing.

Loving, accepting, and celebrating yourself TODAY is not synonymous with giving up and settling for feeling slightly bad.

Self-love sets the stage for sustainable change, while giving you permission to fully enjoy your body and life today.

It connects you with all the beauty in your existing reality, and makes you excited to feel even better, and to fully experience the mystery of what’s coming.

While knowing that your present is more than enough.

You are enough.

You are loved.

You are worthy.

You are safe today.

When you want to make a shift, do you operate from shame and judgment, or self-love and celebration?

This was one of the biggest shifts in my personal journey, and absolutely fundamental + non-negotiable in healing my relationship with food and my body.

I’ve gone from dieting > restricting, binging, and purging > becoming a full intuitive eater with rock-solid body love.

Wherever you are today, I’m loving you and celebrating you.




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