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Eating Out of Stress and Boredom? Try This

A new reader recently emailed me this, lightly edited and condensed…

“My biggest thing is just eating when I don’t really want to. Could be boredom, could be stress, could be I just like the taste of food. I just can’t focus or lose weight currently, and I’m so frustrated. I want to because of my health, and you’d think that would be motivation enough.”

Here’s my response, and the first step you can take today, if you’re feeling similar…

“A great practice is to journal on the following questions at every meal for a week, or even at one meal per day, if that feels more attainable…

  1. What emotions am I feeling right now?

  2. Why am I eating?

  3. What’s the deeper need, if any?

    For example, do I need touch, love, attention, to talk to someone, intellectual stimulation, pure entertainment (like a great movie or book), to process an emotion?

    Does my body actually need movement right now, a walk or 20 minute workout? 

The answers will give you insight into why you’re eating, and put you in the driver’s seat, rather than just going along for the ride.

Or you could just take a pause and answer these questions mentally before each meal, but a lot of studies have shown that journaling is super helpful for reinforcement and awareness.

Even if you don’t change anything about your food habits, feeling aware of the why and the emotions behind your choices will give you your power back.”

Do you find yourself eating out of stress and boredom? Or just feeling disconnected, not really understanding why you eat?

And do you like this Q&A style?

Post a comment below – I’d love to hear from you.



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