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Healing Food Restriction and Overeating

I used to think I would never get out of the cycle of restricting, overeating, and bulimic behavior.

That food would always have power over me.

That I’d always feel out of control and at war with my body.

I’ve been recovered for ~8 years.

My relationship with my body and food is easy, light, and fun.

I have a deep reverence for my body, I know the specific foods that work for me, and I eat intuitively.

I give myself a lot of freedom, while honoring my nutritional needs.

More recently – two years ago – I hurled myself off a massive cliff.

I let go of all external sources of work and moved from New York to Costa Rica.

I genuinely did not know if I would be able to support myself.

Would I get stuck in bumble f*ck Central America with no money and a broken phone?


I did not have a lot of savings or a solid backup plan at the time.

Even bartending in Costa Rica couldn’t really support me — you might make $50 or $100 on a very good night.

Two years later, I’ve been able to support myself and rapidly pay down debt, working only for myself.

And not just doing anything, but sharing my natural, divine gifts — coaching and writing — with people who deeply need and benefit from them.

I’ve learned that I’m wildly capable.

That my desires and instincts are not random – they can be trusted – and more, they should be divinely honored.

Your desires aren’t random.

Your instincts are your divine guidance.

You can trust them.

You can trust yourself.

And you are wildly capable.

Look at everything you’ve done in your life so far. Look at what you’ve overcome.

You can heal your relationship with food and your body, too.

Food exists to support you, not sabotage you.

You are in the driver’s seat.

You are wildly capable.

You can allow things to feel even better, to be even better.

You have the capacity to feel how you want to feel and create the body and life you’ve always imagined for yourself.

I see you doing this.

I know you can do this.

But you must remember that you are wildly capable.

What’s your desire today, and what’s the next step your inner guidance is pulling you toward?

You can do anything.

If you’re craving support to heal your relationship with food and your body, ACTIVATE closes Friday night.

This is my private health coaching program where you master intuitive eating without giving up your health and body goals.


  1. Break the diet cycle.
  2. Develop unconditional self-love.
  3. Get your metabolism back.
  4. Feel really good in your body.

Here are the full program details.

Book your free intro session before Friday night, if you’re feeling called.

There is one spot left, then I’m fully booked for the time being.

Questions? I’m here, just leave a comment below.

With so much love,


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