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How I Release Worry & Make Decisions

When I came here in July, I knew I would be back soon.

But I wasn’t sure why, after leaving New York City three years ago, when my body rejected the city I (still) love.

I was exhausted, overwhelmed, and burned out.

The last week before I left NYC, I got hives all over my body.

They went away within a week of being upstate.

Now, I am here, in another big city.

It feels intense, overwhelming, exciting, and mysterious… after spending three years in the center of the earth, the womb of the ocean, the sweet humidity of the Caribbean.

I’m not sure what I’m supposed to learn here.

The core purpose of my time here.

But I know it’s rich.

And I know this: My body led me here… and, there is no right or wrong place to live.

There is no right or wrong food to eat.

There is intuition, action, and information.

We listen to our bodies to the best of our ability, we take action, and we receive feedback from our environment and body.

Then we choose again. We refine. We build self-trust.

This is how I healed my relationship with food and my body, and developed complete freedom:

Listening to my body to the best of my ability, taking decisive action, then taking stock…

Asking myself:

How am I feeling? Was it what I expected? How could this feel even better?

Through this process, my body became my anchor.

Now, I apply this same approach to a relatively new area for me – complete location independence, and unlimited earning potential.

It’s edgy as f*ck when you’ve never had those things. When you’ve always had a place to be and a boss to report to.

It’s an entirely new arena. A space to completely step into your true self. To create your life exactly as you desire.

It’s incredible, and at first, overwhelming, to have so much choice.

Cultivating self-trust is everything.

Your body can be your anchor – your unwavering source of grounded power.

If you’ve been struggling with decision-making lately…

Listen to your body to the best of your ability.

Trust your intuition.

Trust your timing, and take action when you feel the pull.

Then take stock.

You can’t mess it up, you can just get new information and move from there.

If you feel wobbly today, I hope this helps.

Sending so much love,

Photos: Rodolfo De Jesus David


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