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7 Ways I’m Grounding and Nourishing Myself Today

Hello my dear friend,

I’m sending you so much love and sunshine from Costa Rica, wherever you’re at today – physically, mentally, and emotionally.

No response is bad or wrong.

We are all in our own experience with the current situation in the world.

It’s ok to feel how you feel and not try to change it.

If you are looking for some ways to ground and nourish yourself amongst a lot of fearful energy, I want to share what’s working for me, personally.

These are the tools I’m using and the steps I’m following to keep myself as centered as possible amongst all this.


1. Prioritizing sleep.

Getting a good night’s sleep and taking naps has been crucial for maintaining my energy.

Rest is the foundation of immunity and nervous system health.

Your body does a lot of important repair work as you sleep. Now more than ever, let yourself sleep.

2. Staying hydrated.

Good filtered water with fresh squeezed lemon juice and high quality salt is super nourishing. It’s like natural Gatorade.

It replenishes electrolytes, wakes your system up, nourishes your adrenals, gives you energy, and so much more.

This elixir is especially great in the morning – it gently wakes your body up and brings you out of any fogginess that might be going on.

Try it, and make sure you’re drinking lots of good filtered water and mineral water throughout the day.

3. Kundalini and meditation.

Staying devoted to myself by practicing kundalini and meditation has been crucial for supporting my nervous system during this time.

I begin my practice by “tuning in,” and then I do 3 minutes each of sat kriya, sobagh kriya (I just do the first exercise in the series of 4 here), cat cow, addiction’s meditation, and meditation for conquering self-animosity.

Then I “tune out” (a closing kundalini song).

After that I do 10 minutes of silent seated mantra meditation, with eyes closed.

Kundalini can feel a bit hokey until you get into it and feel the results.

Check out the links I’m sharing above, Google around, and see what resonates for you – if anything – as a starting point.

Multiple studies have shown that both kundalini and meditation have a profoundly healing, balancing, and boosting effect on the immune system and nervous system.

4. Simple, regular, nutrient-dense meals. 

Keep your blood sugar balanced and make sure you’re eating good food consistently throughout the day – every 3-4 hours for most people.

Aim for cooked vegetables, protein, nourishing fats, and complex carbs at each meal.

Last night I did simple turmeric-coconut chicken with steamed rice, sweet potatoes, and onions, and a side of steamed asparagus.

This morning I made a comforting old-school breakfast: Eggs in a hole with sourdough bread, olive oil, local eggs, good salt and pepper.

5. Minimizing caffeine, alcohol, and sugar.

Stimulants activate your nervous system and make you more prone to stress and anxiety.

With the current state of the world, it’s just not worth it to burden your system further.

Try an adaptogenic elixir, herbal tea, or golden milk instead.

Keep alcohol to a minimum – it’s a depressant, and super dehydrating. For now, no thanks.

Emotional stress depletes you, and then alcohol just piles physical stress on top of that.

Sugar lowers immunity, so again, it’s just not worth it at the moment – I’m choosing to keep it to a minimum.

6. Adding in extra immune boosters.

A few of the things I’ve personally been adding in are colloidal silver, local noni juice, and fresh ground turmeric mixed into honey with a bit of black pepper.

All of these are wonderful for the immune system and give us extra insurance during this time.

Please search around and check with your doctor before trying new things. 

I’m simply sharing what’s working for me.

I don’t intend to provide medical advice, just a lot of love.

7. Minimizing news intake.

Reading the headlines and constantly taking in news sets off the fear response in your body and lowers immunity.

Stay informed without constantly being connected to the news, including social media.

Being aware and taking the steps needed to keep yourself and your community safe are necessary, but there is no benefit to being in a constant state of fear or panic.

And it’s hard to not feel fearful if you’re constantly reading the news and scrolling Twitter – you have no control over what you might see.


Things are pretty low key here in Costa Rica, and I’m very grateful to be here.

How are you? How can I support you?

I hope these tools help you, and I would love to hear from you.

Please leave a comment below and let me know how you’re doing and how I can support you.

In the meantime, I’m sending lots of warm, healing energy your way.



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