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How To Avoid Social Media Spirals and Wellness Culture Energy Drains

Cultural influences can be really sneaky.

Most of us are pretty immune to the whole lose X in X days thing, but that doesn’t mean restrictive and overwhelming voices don’t seep in.

“Clean” eating.

Avoiding carbs.

Obsessive routines.

Endless supplements.

Constant “cleansing.”

^^ You have two kidneys and a liver. With a reasonable amount of nutrients and well-managed stress levels, your body cleanses itself all the time. If you ARE super stressed and lacking nutrients, one of the best ways to reboot your built-in cleansing system is to reduce or pause caffeine and alcohol. You don’t need juice cleanses, smoothies, or restrictive plans that cut out food groups.

It’s exhausting.

How can you reprogram your brain away from unhelpful messaging, build up resilience, and stay anchored on your chosen path?

One of the best ways is to change the content you consume, and expose your mirror neurons to positive inputs.

This literally creates new neural pathways, and therefore new thoughts and actions.

If nutrition-informed intuitive eating is your path and you want regular inspiration, follow me over on Instagram @lulaibrown.

The more you expose your brain to inputs you want and minimize influences you’re moving away from, the easier it is to stay anchored on your path.

I highly recommend unfollowing accounts that make you feel stressed or overwhelmed – even if their latest “cleanse” may be tempting – and actively seeking out accounts that reinforce your deeper desires and long-term vision.

Do you feel overwhelmed by the wellness world?

I’d love to hear from you and share a few words of support in the comments below.

Much love,


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