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How To Break A Habit Without Trying

How can you effortlessly break a habit, rather than white knuckling your way out of it (which rarely works long-term)?

One way is through emotional alchemy.

Emotional alchemy is about embracing and transmuting your emotions, rather than running from or numbing them.

When we run or numb, we create suppression and constriction in the body.

This makes us want to use food or something else to soothe ourselves, to feel relief.

When practicing emotional alchemy, we sit with all emotions by… 

  1. Naming them and not making them wrong.
  2. Moving, breathing, meditating, talking, dancing, or whatever processing tool we feel called toward. 

We give them space to exist so they can be on their way, rather than suppressing them and letting them fester.

When you shine a light in dark spaces, heavy emotions melt away.

When we humanize our emotions, when we empathize with ourselves – rather than shaming ourselves or endlessly wondering WHYYY we’re feeling the way we are – we breathe easy and move easy.

We reclaim our natural enthusiasm.

Our natural state of unconditional love.

Emotional alchemy in action is the client who stops eating too much sugar and drinking too much caffeine, without specifically talking about it or trying to stop.

She just shows up to sessions in her genuine emotional state and receives support.

She shares what’s going on for her while the coach actively listens, asks insightful questions, and with permission, offers guidance.

This process is like releasing the steam on a pressure cooker.

Because she’s acknowledging and processing her emotions, she no longer needs to use sugar or caffeine to cope.

Along with the spontaneous food and drink shifts, her challenging relationship with her neighbor improves, and the energetic “hook” her Mom had in her dissipates.

That, is emotional alchemy.

That is where things really start shifting in your life – emotionally, mentally, and physically.

Tension dissipates, and you’re filled with ease.

From that place, the world responds differently to you, and you have a more joyful experience on all levels.

Are you comfortable sitting with and processing your emotions, or is this a struggle for you?

What’s your favorite emotional processing tool?

I would LOVE to hear from you in the comments below.

Sending you so much love!


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