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How To Deal With Conflicting Emotions

On the most idyllic day, I was also moving through a lot of stickiness.

The storm before the calm, though weather-wise it was the calm before the storm, with Tuesday bringing buckets of rain.

Always makes me laugh, because what we see from the outside is just a sliver.

I don’t think social media always paints a false image.

These images aren’t false.

Or even filtered.

My joy isn’t false.

It’s that two things can exist at once, and it’s easy, for me too, to forget about the under belly.

To look at someone’s account and think they have a perfect life.

So yes…

I was floating in the Caribbean Sea for three hours on a Monday afternoon, and in the thick of breaking generational cycles.

Cycles that began far before I was born, and perhaps far before my parents or even grandparents were born.

If you’re sitting with duality, too, you’re not crazy.

Being able to hold both, and to the best of your ability, give yourself what you need to stay balanced – to stay close to your heart, is key.

One thing that always helps me is coming back to gratitude.

Even when it feels super trite and annoying.

Not because I “should” or “have to” or because it’s “key to manifesting” but because it feels good —

— like a wave of relief, joy, and peace.

What helps you the most in these moments of duality, when you’re feeling and experiencing opposite things at the same time?

I’d love to hear from you below.

Much love,


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