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How To Trust Yourself

Trying to grip onto a static way of eating, with rules and restrictions…

… is what led to my eating disorder.

Letting go and embracing intuitive eating was my path to healing, and my path to feeling better than ever in my body, and reaching greater health than ever before.

The truth is that…

We’re 70% water.

Why would there be anything static, predictable, or predetermined about our existence?

Our reality?

Our evolution?

Our needs?

Our being?

We’re born to flow.

To shift.



Slow down.

Speed up.





To be obvious.

To be complicated beyond belief.

To be everything and nothing at once.

Deep and shallow.

Freezing cold and burning hot.

Calm and cool.


Anything but static, predictable, or predetermined.

So why do we try to make sense of it all?

Why do we try to grip onto one definite, forever way?

To dig for definitive meaning when we are the meaning, in motion?

When we are our purpose, living and breathing.

We’re here to embody the full spectrum of feeling.

Of being.

To adapt to our ever-changing needs.

To embrace ourselves as the science.

To realize that we are water, ever-changing, and that we are already home.

There is nothing to chase or prove.

Nothing to stand upon, victorious.

Nothing to hide behind.

When we return to this, we have won.

The beauty and privilege of being human – of having a massive intellect – is to drift away from and return to this truth – this remembrance – over and over.

This peace, over and over.

Swifter, softer, and easier each time.

Resting in the rush, flow, freeze that comes with being mostly water.


At home.

In awe.

If this helped you feel more self-trust, leave a comment below. 

Sending you so much love,

P.S. Have you been feeling ready to make a departure from food rules and restrictions for good, and create a new relationship with food?

Click here to book a free intro session with me.


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