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Is Resting a Sign of Weakness?

We have two choices when something tough happens:

We can let it make us weaker or stronger.

We can sink down or rise up.

Settle for less, settle for victimhood… or step into who we truly are.

I choose to rise.

>> And

Rest is not weakness.

Doing less is not weakness.

Shutting down for a little while is not weakness.

Needing space is not weakness.

Receiving support is not weakness.

Taking time off is not weakness.

Getting angry is not weakness.

Imperfect communication is not weakness.

Breaking down is not weakness.

Sometimes, a combination of these things is exactly what we need to rise in strength.

>> What ARE potential weaknesses?

Suppression of your truth and core nature.

Suppression of emotions that are clearly present.

Suppression of your needs and desires.

When we let our feelings rise up, they can rise OUT, leaving us calm and clear.

When we deny or ignore them – they fester.

>> Allow yourself to be in your process, exactly where you are. 

Trust when you need to lean back, and when you need to GET UP and call bulls*t on yourself.

You know yourself. You know your tendencies.

You know your processes… and you can choose to rise.

You are guided, held, and supported always.



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