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My Weird Food Habits

On Monday I had coffee cake and potato chips for lunch.

I used to get scared when I craved “weird” things at meal times.

Today, I crave nutritious food most days, but when I crave something “weird” I don’t freak out or make it mean anything about me.

I also don’t freak out if I’m not hungry at a meal.

I’m ok to skip it or have something light.

I trust that my body knows what she needs, and that everything will balance out over the next few days.

Giving myself permission to eat what I want when I want is what allowed me to heal my food and body obsession and become a full intuitive eater.

To stop restricting altogether, yet feel better than ever in my body and clothes.

In the past, when I had a weird craving I would try to bypass it by eating raw vegetables and chugging water.

I would last a couple days, or less, then feel so deprived that I’d wind up eating way more than if I would have honored the original craving.

This is one of the biggest focuses in ACTIVATE, my private coaching program for women who want to break the diet cycle and get their metabolism back through nutrition-informed intuitive eating.

We dive deep to help you find your food flow so you can feel your physical best without restricting or obsessing.

>> Click here to get the details and sign up for a free intro session.

I’m currently taking on 2 clients to begin the second week of January.

Enrollment closes 12/30, to leave time to prepare the container and get you scheduled.

Whether you work with me or not, I want you to know this:

You can trust your intuition, you can trust your body.

You do not have to suffer through restrict-overeat cycles forever.

You do not need to count calories, carbs, or points.

You do not need another diet, you just need customized support.

Your body will always tell you what’s up.

I’m sending you so much love!

If you have any questions, just reply to this email.

I’m here for you.



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