Tired of feeling uncomfortable in your body?

Get my free 5-Step System To Ditch Bloating

My Zone of Genius

I do not have it all figured out. I do not feel perfect 100% of the time.

But there are some huge motherf*cking things I have conquered and healed.

Restriction. Overeating. Binging. Purging. Self-judgment. Smallness.

These are things I thought I might never overcome.

I used to feel trapped in a prison of my own making. Trapped in my body. Trapped in my mental loops.

I wanted to scream.

Today: I never restrict, overeat, binge, or purge.

I give my body what she needs.

My weight has been about the same for around 8 years, and I feel good in my body.

I feel good in my clothes. I feel good being seen. I feel good being touched.

I feel FREE in my life.

I honor my soul over the system.

I trust myself, and my body guides me.

I have healed these areas in myself, and I have been helping women do the same for a decade.

After receiving glowing feedback and gratitude from my clients, week after week, I can say with complete humbleness that I am a brilliant health coach.

Supporting women to truly and finally heal their relationship with food and their body is my zone of genius.

My private coaching program, ACTIVATE, is now open for enrollment.

I’m taking on 2 new clients.

As we wrapped up our call today, my client said, “Every time I talk to you, I just feel like every cell in my body relaxes.”

That is why I do this work.

It’s not just about the action steps and the physical results.

It’s about having an experience of wholeness, love, and restoration in real time, at each session.

>> If you feel called to do this work with me, click here for the program details.

Wherever you are on your journey, and whether you work with me or not, I’m sending you so much love and energetic support.

You are exactly where you need to be, and you can trust your next step.

With so much love,


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