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Remember This When It Feels Like Nothing Makes Sense

You are not a mess-up.

A mock-up.

A trial run.

A rough draft.

You were intentionally created.

You are completely protected, and divinely guided.

You are whole – already, always, and forever.

Your role?

To take care of your vessel.

To put down what’s heavy.

To let go, and place trust in the ground beneath you, the earth above you.

The profoundly intelligent particles around you.

Ingeniously organized.

None of this was an accident.

It’s all on purpose.

It will all make sense, at the perfect moment.

You’ll look back and realize how everything was adding up.

How letting go was always an option.

The perfect timing of everything, will become clear.

A masterpiece, perfect in its imperfections.

You, perfect in your imperfections.

Entirely worthy and whole, the same as the day you were born.

Just like energy, your worth cannot be created or destroyed.

Only unveiled.

When you see it, you’ll wonder how you ever doubted it.

Deep peace from head to toe.

A settling.

A receiving, of yourself.


A divine gift to the world.

A channel, opening and closing.

Expanding and contracting.

Responding with perfect sensitivity.

Divine intelligence, in motion.


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