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Should You Always Be “High Vibe”?

Sharing something “low vibe” doesn’t bring others down – but stifling your truth can.

I know because I used to do it, and I could feel the uneasiness in others.

I was scared to share the heavier aspects of what was going on in my life, for fear of being rejected, seen as “negative”, or seen as unqualified in my work.

We need to talk about this more.

We are designed to hold so many emotions at once.

Bliss and pain in the same breath.

It does not make you less than.

Show up in your truth.

You are loved. You are wanted. You are seen. You are heard.

You do not have to modulate yourself.

Yes, there’s processing we need to do on our own or with a pro.

This isn’t about airing your sh•t out all day every day, replaying the same narratives.

It’s about showing up in truth and integrity.

Sharing your soul, in spaces you feel safe.

Allowing for your humanness, and in doing so, encouraging the full spectrum in the humans in your life.

They will feel this shift in you.

They will exhale.

They will feel connected.

They will feel held… and everyone will become more alive and magnetic.

Because stifling one emotion dulls all emotions – including the most blissful ones.



Photo: Jessica Torres


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