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A Thanksgiving Surprise For You

Thanksgiving used to be the hardest holiday for me.

I loved it and hated it.

Loved being with family, loved eating, loved dancing.

What I hated was the unbearable discomfort I’d feel after overeating.

That feeling is precisely what led me into disordered behavior from around 16 – 22 years old.

I was in a vicious (and I mean VICIOUS) cycle of restricting then overeating.

Always trying to lose weight, but never feeling good enough, even at my very lowest weight.

Today, I’m always excited for big holiday meals.

I enjoy lots of food, but I never overeat – I never feel that unbearable discomfort.

That might make me sound like some kind of God, but I can assure you, I HAD to commit to myself in this way, and it was an extremely humbling experience.

To stop overeating and hurting myself, I had to fully commit to intuitive eating: To truly stop restricting, and allow all foods, all year round.

It sounds counterintuitive, but yes, I had to stop restricting in order to stop overeating – otherwise there was this never-ending roller coaster going on.

Today, I bow to my body when she is comfortably full.

We delight in food. We love it so much.

We also delight in our physical boundaries, in feeling good to dance and bounce around after eating.

If you overeat and feel totally fine about it, BEAUTIFUL, and I mean that truly.

There is nothing wrong with that, if it feels good to you.

If you overeat and then beat yourself up, or engage in disordered behavior, like I did for years, this is the perfect time to grab the Mechanics of Intuitive Eating master class.

It’s on sale for 20% off right now, with code LOVE20, through the end of this week.

>> Click here to get it today and dive right into practical tools to support you through the holidays.

This is a 2-hour video training where I share all the fundamentals that helped me end the restrict-binge cycle through intuitive eating.

It’s been over 8 years of no restriction or binging.

I’m in better health than I’ve ever been, and I feel better in my body than ever.

The master class sale ends this Friday at 12pm midnight ET.

I hope this special gift serves you!

Have a beautiful holiday week.

So much love,


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