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The Big Piece Missing from the Self-Care Conversation

Pleasure is fundamental to health, which is fundamental to life.

So why are we still so hesitant to talk about it?

Why is it so rarely included in self-care conversations?

Activating our full range of sensation and satisfaction affects everything from fertility and virility to energy and mood.

Personally, pleasure has always been a huge priority of mine, in all its forms.

When I learned about Dame, my mind was blown by their range of beautiful toys and essentials, created by women for women, to support our pleasure.

Through in-depth research and smart design, the Dame team is closing the pleasure gap and helping solidify the fact that intimacy is key to wellness.

Pictured here is a fan favorite, the Pom.

> > Click here to shop using the code LULA10 for 10% off.

Everyone receives pleasure differently, and everyone needs it.

I mean, every woman has 8,000+ nerve endings entirely dedicated to pleasure… enough said.

There’s a reason it’s available to us, and when it comes to health, I consider pleasure just as important as digestion.

Do you notice a connection between pleasure and health?

Do you feel more energized when all your senses are being engaged on a regular basis?

I’d love to hear from you in the comments below, and have fun shopping!


First photo: Jessica Torres


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