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The Foundation For Feeling Lighter

I used to constantly be looking for something external to help me feel better in my body.

A magic wand.

I was always into self-reflection and personal development, but I didn’t think those would be the things that REALLY changed my relationship with my body and food.

Spoiler alert: Mindset + emotional intelligence are the foundations for physical change.

For healing your relationship with your body and food, and for feeling great in your body without restricting food.

There’s lots of things we do on the physical plane that are incredibly helpful, but they don’t touch the mental + emotional work.

Now, my mindset and emotional intelligence are the bedrock of my physical health.

Nutrition matters.

Chewing, pausing, and breathing matter.

It all matters… but nothing works if you don’t have that bedrock.

That unconditional self-love… while also honoring any desires to feel lighter, perhaps to release weight, without shaming yourself.

There are schools of thought that will shame you for wanting to change anything about your body, but there is so much more to physical health than how we look.

Sometimes a desire to shift the physical is aligned and healthy.

Sometimes a desire to look different is aligned (gasp) – a return to our true selves, without the extra heaviness.

It all only means what we make it mean, when we strip away the decades of diet programming.

How are you feeling in your body today?

Is there anything you’d like to feel different?

Share with me below, I want to send some love your way.

If you’re ready to dive into this work, I currently have 2 private coaching spots available.

Get more info and sign up for a free intro session here.



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