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The Heart of Intuitive Eating

Intuitive eating is about listening to your body more than your brain.

Your brain might say have a salad cause you had pizza yesterday, but that’s not actually what your body wants.

Your brain might say have a burger so you look like the laid back woman who doesn’t stress about her body or food, but that’s not actually what your body wants.

It goes both ways.

In intuitive eating, no food is off the table, and all foods are “good.”

When you’re in alignment, your body rarely lies to you.

It’s your brain that thinks you should be eating a certain thing based on your environment or circumstances…

A cocktail at happy hour when you really just want water.
Coffee in the morning when you’re craving fresh juice.
French fries with a girlfriend when your body is asking for vegetables.

Intuitive eating is about getting back to the body.

ACTIVATE Intuitive Eating, my signature approach, is also about developing a deep understanding of your nutritional needs.

Learning the exact foods that work for you, while shifting into genuine self-love, compassion, pleasure, and presence.

It’s about freeing up your energy and creating a life you’re in awe of, where food and body thoughts no longer take up so much brain space and energy.

I used to be very self-destructive – restricting, overeating, binging, purging, and more which I’ll share some other time.

All self-destructive behavior is connected.

I felt like I was stuck in my body and trapped in toxic mental loops.

It sucked.

Integrating what I teach today set me up to completely change my life a few years ago.

I went full time in my business, moved to the Caribbean, and created a reality of complete freedom, working 15-20 hours a week, earning more than I have in my full-time+ jobs.

I don’t think it could’ve happened if I didn’t commit to healing my relationship with my body and food through intuitive eating and holistic nutrition.

If I can do this, you can too.

If you’re ready to begin, I invite you to explore ACTIVATE.

This is my health coaching program for women who want to break restrictive cycles and master intuitive eating without giving up their health and body goals.

>> You can get the details and sign up for a free intro session with me here.

Sending you so much love on your journey.



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