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The Magic of Being Stubborn

There have been a couple pivotal times in my life when my stubborn nature deeply served me:

1. Leaving my 9-5 and all part-time jobs to go full-time in my business and move from New York to Costa Rica. 

I went from 60 to 20-hour weeks and instantly replaced my old income, living a dreamy lifestyle on the beach.

2. Healing my eating disorder and letting go of diets altogether by committing to intuitive eating. 

I haven’t binged or engaged in any disordered behavior for over 8 years, and I feel better than ever in my body and clothes. 

Both of these things seemed impossible until they became my reality.

I couldn’t always see the path forward, but I felt steadfast in the fact that there WAS a path, and I was on it.

I was stubborn in this, but I want to be clear that I wasn’t gritting my teeth and tensing my shoulders.

It wasn’t the same energy as “buckling down.”

This flavor of stubbornness is a firm, loving devotion to yourself and your desires.

It’s about remaining steadfast through setbacks.

Unwavering against the odds.

Even if “the odds” are your sweet boyfriend offering you a glass of wine when that’s the last thing your body actually wants.

It’s real, right?! All these little moments add up.

We must develop the self-worth and confidence to honor our bodies.

To go with OUR flow rather than “THE” flow. 

This is how I became a full intuitive eater – I dedicated myself to MY flow. 

This is what I help clients do in ACTIVATE, my signature health coaching program for women who want to break the diet cycle and get their metabolism back through intuitive eating.

In our 6-months together, you’ll learn how to

1. Develop true self-love by honoring your body, taking deep care of yourself, and setting boundaries. 

2. Build confidence by listening to your body’s YES’s and NO’s, regardless of the circumstances.

3. Restore your metabolism by removing inhibitors and remineralizing your system with specific foods, beverages, and supplements. 

4. Gain a deep understanding of the foods that work best for you, and those that don’t. 

5. Get to the root of self-sabotage and heal it, so you can stop taking two steps forward and one step back. 

ACTIVATE is about untangling your food-body matrix and feeling truly good in your body without restricting yourself or changing your whole lifestyle.

I’m currently enrolling two clients to begin the second week of January. 

>> Get the details and sign up for a free intro session here.

If you don’t see any times that work for you, send me an email and we’ll get you in.

Enrollment closes 12/30 at midnight ET, to allow time to prepare the container and get everyone scheduled.

If you have any questions, leave a comment below!

Sending you so much love.



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