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The Moment I Stopped Hurting Myself

Food is the innocent bystander. The humble servant.

No level of happiness, success, or money will cancel painful life experiences.

Whether you’re depressed or in bliss, painful things can happen.

Whether you’re in your dream role or on unemployment, painful things can happen.

Whether you’re with your dream partner or single and lonely, painful things can happen.

Whether you have $0 to your name or $100,000 in the bank, painful things can happen.

These painful things are not always a result of your “vibe,” a product of “negative manifestation,” or due to mercury retrograde…

… and I believe in all those things, but I also believe we’re more powerful than them, and that we get to choose ourselves.

Whatever’s happening or not happening, there’s always the option to numb out through food or something else.

There’s always the option to turn away from ourselves and toward food.

To give food a job it fundamentally cannot fill – to fix our pain.

There’s also the option to stay with yourself, to cry, to scream, to rest, to move, to meditate, and when you’re ready, to ask for the support you need.

We get to receive love from ourselves and others through all the pain and in every emotional state.

You do not have to show up with a smile when you feel like sobbing.

You do not have to pretend like you know when you do not have the answer.

The positivity parade is exhausting…

… and it makes a lot of people turn to food for a break.

The pressure to be “high vibe” can make you feel guilty for having painful experiences. Like something is wrong with you.

Nothing is wrong with you, and when you realize that, the tension diffuses and you’re better equipped to navigate painful experiences.

Your baseline is stronger… and your vibe is higher.

I used to use food to manage my emotions, until I realized my “secret weapon” — eating lots of food and then getting rid of it — was seriously harming my body.

That’s the moment I fully committed  to intuitive eating, and promised myself I would never hurt myself again – even if I felt uncomfortably full.

I realized that using food to manage my emotions was not effective at all, and in fact, it compounded my negative emotions and left me feeling worse than before.

I haven’t used my “secret weapon” in nearly 8 years, and I haven’t eaten beyond comfort in any significant way since then.

That doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy a rich meal or a slice of cake, but I do not use food to push down my feelings, and I do not make myself sick with food.

If you’ve been struggling with emotional eating, if you feel trapped in a restrictive cycle with food, or if you just feel completely confused by food, support is available.

I’ve been coaching women on intuitive eating, emotional eating, and deep holistic nourishment for nearly a decade, and I have two spaces available right now.

>> Click here for full details and to sign up for a free intro session.

Whether you’re feeling called to work with me or not, I’m sending you so much love on your path.

Trust that the next step is now coming into focus for you.

With so much love,

Photo: Jessica Torres


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